MTTC launched its new Mobile Technology Park on June 30, giving the provider of customer care for mobile electronics more space and advanced facilities to support its rapid international growth.

The 3-million-euro sitein the Kaunas Free Economic Zone has the largest mobile-device repair centre in the Baltic countries. Its 3,800 square metres of operations, office and warehouse space now house not only MTTC, but also the related companies Mobile Center Ltd (a smartphone wholesaler and logistics partner) and Mikrovisata Ltd (an international consumer electronics retailer).

“There was no more room at our previous premises for new staff and technology, plus we needed space to optimize processes. This change will above all benefit our customers, including local mobile operators and retailers as well as global manufacturers and insurance companies, since from now on repairs will be even faster and better quality,” said Gintaras Kručkas, the CEO of MTTC.

The new facility boosts MTTC’s capacity to 40,000 device repairs a month, from 24,000 before. Most of last year’s 285,000 repairs were handled in Kaunas, Lithuania, where innovative logistics enable speedy repairs of mobile phones, smartphones and tablets from all over Europe, generallyin 3 days or less. MTTC also has smaller repair centres in Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn.

Kaunas Region Mayor Valerijus Makūnas, who took part in the official opening of the Mobile Technology Park, noted with pride that it meant the creation of 200 jobs.

MTTC, based in Lithuania, has subsidiaries, partnerships and/or customers in numerous European countries and the USA. Mobile Center Ltd mainly operates in the Baltics.Mikrovisata Ltd last year had sales in more than 30 countries. The three companies, all majority owned by Mikrovisatos Valda Ltd and Spaineta Ltd, plan combined revenue this year of about 90 million euros.

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